
时间2023-04-01 21:33:18 提问来自 香港 的网友 分类ChatGPT提问 浏览214 热度0
_1_5 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/20/nsa-phone-records-verizon-court-order This article from The Guardian discusses the recent revelation that the US National Security Agency (NSA) has been collecting phone records from Verizon customers in the US, following a court order issued by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC). The article explains that this is part of a larger program called PRISM, which allows the NSA to access data from major internet companies such as Google, Facebook and Apple. It also discusses how this practice is likely to be seen as controversial by many Americans due to concerns about privacy and civil liberties. Finally, it looks at how President Obama has defended the program and insists that it is necessary for national security purposes.


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