
时间2023-03-28 19:41:42 提问来自 加州San Jose 的网友 分类ChatGPT提问 浏览174 热度0
(开场白) Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the opening ceremony of our school. It is a great pleasure for me to stand here and have a chance to share some of my thoughts with all of you. (主题句)Today I want to talk about how we can make this school year better than ever. (讲话内容)First of all, let’s start with our attitude towards learning. We should strive to be open-minded and willing to accept new ideas and knowledge. We should not be afraid of making mistakes, but rather learn from them and become better students as a result. Secondly, let’s work together as a team in order to achieve our goals this year. We should support each other in times of difficulty and celebrate each other’s successes together as well. Lastly, let’s strive for excellence in everything we do at school. Whether it is studying for tests or participating in extracurricular activities, we should always put forth our best effort in order to reach our full potential this year! (总结句)In conclusion, if we focus on these three things: having an open mind towards learning, working together as a team, and striving for excellence; then I am sure that this will be the best school year yet! Thank you very much for your attention!


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