黔西南州树立“康养胜地 人文兴义”的重要

时间2023-03-29 18:15:15 提问来自 Central and Western DistrictCentral 的网友 分类ChatGPT提问 浏览189 热度0
思想,依托自然风景、人文历史、资源禀赋等优势,大力发展康养旅游业和人文旅游业,加快形成以康养旅游、休闲农业、生态农业、乡村旅游和民俗文化旅游五位一体的格局。 In order to establish the important strategic thought of "Health Care Land and Cultural Revival" in Qianxinan Prefecture, relying on the advantages of natural scenery, humanistic history and resource endowment, we should vigorously develop health care tourism and cultural tourism, and accelerate the formation of a five-in-one pattern of health care tourism, leisure agriculture, ecological agriculture, rural tourism and folk culture tourism.


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